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At the #Rawan Society for #Child Development, the child Yamen (9 years old) develops his skills to overcome the difficulties of #reading, #writing, and #pronunciation that he was facing

At the #Rawan Society for #Child Development, the child Yamen (9 years old) develops his skills to overcome the difficulties of #reading, #writing, and #pronunciation that he was facing. For example, through the activity of representing the letter #Ba with a board and beads, Yamen uses the #board and beads and connects them to pictures that begin with the letter #B, and then colors them, cuts them, and pastes them on the notebook, while #focusing on writing the letter on dots, with the aim of linking #sensory concepts to #concepts. Abstract and #developing the skill of transferring the model among #children in #special_education.


prysm Bagdonas Connor dimand Yauman, lecturers at Stanford’s to Graduat School Business, and hilariously explore.

prysm Bagdonas Connor dimand Yauman, lecturers at Stanford’s to Graduat School Business, and hilariously explore.

prysm Bagdonas Connor dimand Yauman, lecturers at Stanford’s to Graduat School Business, and hilariously explore.

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