Reading difficulties can manifest through several signs, including:
- Omitting parts of the read words, such as saying “تصفح” (tasafuh) instead of “تصافح” (tasafuh) or “مدرسة” (madrasa) instead of “المدرسة” (al-madrasa).
- Adding some words to the sentence or a segment or letter to the spoken word, such as saying “استمع” (istami’) instead of “اسمع” (isma’) or “الصلاة” (al-salah) instead of “صلاة” (salah).
- Substituting one word for another with a similar meaning, such as “معلم” (mu’allim) instead of “أستاذ” (ustadh), or using words that have no meaning.
- Repeating words in the sentence.
- Reversing or substituting letters, such as saying “فول” (foul) as “لوف” (loof) or reversing vowels like “فيل” (feel) instead of “فول” (foul).
- Difficulty in distinguishing similar letters when written, such as (ج, ح, خ), (ص, ض), (ط, ظ), (ر, ز), (د, ذ), (ع, غ), (ء, ع).
- Inability to follow letters and words sequentially, often repeating what they read or skipping to the line or word below or nearby.
For more information and support, you can contact Rawan Association for Child Development in Ramallah, Um al-Sharayet, Bakdar Street, next to the Civil Defense Authority.
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