Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)
What are the symptoms of ADHD?
• Poor focused attention to detail and difficulty sustaining attention for long periods of time in tasks and play activities.
• Does not seem to listen to others and does not follow instructions.
• Avoids, dislikes, or is lazy in performing tasks that require sustained mental focus.
• Is always forgetful.
• Easily distracted by any external influence.
• Excessive movement and constant fidgeting while sitting, running, and climbing a lot in situations where this behavior is inappropriate (to the point of danger).
Here are some instructions that help reduce the symptoms of ADHD:
• Early diagnosis and prompt and appropriate treatment give the best results.
• Establish clear rules for the house by setting a few clear limits that are easy to remember and adhere to.
• Explain to the child why some behaviors are wrong.
• Use a reinforcement schedule with the child and reinforce it when behaving correctly and provide support and love to him.
• Encourage the child to exercise to help him release his psychological and energy.
• Do not punish the child by blaming him or using hurtful words or beating or violence.
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