Adam Hazem Samir Darabiya is an 11-and-a-half-year-old child in the Islamic School. He is the last child of his parents and has two brothers. During pregnancy, the mother suffered from pre-eclampsia, and the child’s birth was normal. The mother mentioned that the father is a traveler and lives in Turkey. The mother complains of bullying of the child at school, the weakness of his positive relationships with colleagues because of the way he pronounces words, and other behavioral problems such as stubbornness and introversion.
The child Adam Hazem spent 3 years in Turkey and was exposed to a language other than Arabic. The mother also mentioned that her child Adam was delayed in producing the first word and producing sentences for the kindergarten and school stages.
The child’s mother added, according to the school’s description, that the child, Adam, suffers from speech problems, the intelligibility of his speech is weak, he has rapid speech, and academic weakness.
Among the achievements that have been achieved in the field of special education are:
Identify the following letters of the alphabet (A / T / D / D / S / D / T / D / A / G / K / N / D / Q / L / M).
Distinguishing two letters that are similar in sound and different in shape (H/H).
Distinguish the location of the letter by ear, at the beginning, middle, and end of the word.
Developing auditory analysis (repeating a pronunciation after deleting a letter or syllable from it).
Develop auditory closure of words.
Distinguishing between long tides and short tides, audio-visually.
Read and write words from long, short, and consonant syllables.
Read and write simple sentences from different passages.
*The basic problem: • The child, Sham, was brought to the association by her mother, because the mother noticed problems in the expressive language of the child, Sham, and the child’s inability to establish effective communication with the teacher in the kindergarten, in addition to problems in her intelligibility of speech.
*During the individual sessions, an individual plan was developed to begin working on developing Sham’s ability to produce words for communication in the beginning, then use appropriate forms (adjective noun, verb noun), taking into account number, masculinity, femininity, and correct tense, using prepositions and correct conjunctions, and producing long sentences for narration. He learned the correct way and place (for the speech organs) to produce sounds from their correct origin, and the sounds were started based on the developmental age of the children.
* During the implementation of the individual treatment plan, we relied on games, cards, puzzles, and mirrors. *After we implemented the established plan and continuous training with the help of the family, the child Sham was able to express herself and her needs by producing long, correct sentences using expressive language appropriate to her chronological age and understandable to those around her.
* The main problem: The child Majd suffers from difficulty in producing fluent speech, as there is repetition of the first letter of the word and pausing for a period of time between words due to the short length of the breath, and the tension that occurs in his neck during speech. In addition, the child Majd suffers from problems with concentration and memory. The child Majd came to the Rawan Association, and after the necessary stuttering test was conducted for him, it became clear that he was suffering from this problem. The specialist planned an individual treatment program. During the individual sessions, Majd’s way of speaking was developed so that it became more fluent and without stuttering. The tension that was accompanying it was eliminated. For the speech production process, during the implementation of the individual treatment plan, reliance was placed on developing the child Majd’s ability to breathe correctly and using special techniques when producing speech to work on producing speech in a flexible manner and reducing the tension that occurs in the child Majd during speech, and after we implemented the established plan and continuous training. With the help of his parents, the child Majd was able to express himself by producing long, correct sentences without stuttering in a short period of time
*The child’s main problem: The child has problems related to the incompatibility of his age level with his academic development due to a deficiency in some cognitive skills. He needs special education sessions to fill the gaps in his academic shortcomings so that his academic status becomes appropriate for his chronological age. During the special education sessions, the specialist noticed that the child has inappropriate behaviors. Suitable for his age, such as his excessive attachment to his mother, shyness, and difficulty communicating and communicating with his peers in a manner appropriate for his age, which affected his general focus in special education sessions. Work was done with the child in the beginning to enhance the child’s self-confidence and change the family’s home system to suit his age by giving the child Suitable space and responsibility for him and reducing excessive attachment to the mother through gradual separation. Psychodrama methods and puppets were used to express the child’s inner thoughts and ideas. He was also given concentration games appropriate to his age, such as puzzles, analogies, and competition games. Then we moved on to education through modeling or peer education by including the child in the session with two children of the same age to work on developing his abilities to communicate with others. Work was done on developing self-expression, defending his ideas, the ability to make decisions, and cooperating with others to achieve A specific goal, competing and striving to win, which affected his self-confidence, his motivation to learn and attend sessions, and his public relations outside the scope of the association.
* The child’s main problem: Through cognitive testing and interviewing the parents, it became clear that the child, Joud, has a problem with writing difficulties due to a lack of pre-writing skills, writing the abstract letters of the alphabet correctly, closing the letters of the word, letter directions, confusion between the shapes of letters that are similar in shape, and the shapes of the first letter. The middle of the word is connected and separated, and the end of the word is connected and separated for some letters. A treatment plan was drawn up based on the test results, and we worked with the child, Joud, to develop the stage of preparation for writing, which is related to the development of the child’s fine muscles, which includes developing the child’s skills in cutting and pasting, coloring within a frame, and drawing on the dots. The stage of preparation for writing was developed for her and includes connecting the dots. One to another, drawing curvy and straight lines, training the girl on hand-motor coordination, training the girl to learn letters related to writing letters, using and solving a maze, training the girl to follow directions from right to left or from left to right (assembling a puzzle, writing on a notebook during… Copying letters, words, and sentences) and the child’s ability to write the alphabet, write and compose words, and compose sentences was developed. The child’s ability to read and write words, sentences, and texts correctly was developed, and the child became able to answer reading comprehension questions and written expression in a manner appropriate to her grade level. As a third-grade student, the child was able to perform her schoolwork as a written expression and her results in school became excellent.
The student, Sally Fahl, attended, and through the cognitive test and the Arabic language test, it became clear that the main problem was in the auditory and visual discrimination of the letters (dha/dha/dha), sounds that are similar in sound and different in form, and distinguishing long and short syllables auditorily. Several goals were worked on during the individual treatment plan, Among the achievements that have been achieved:
The child attended with his mother and a cognitive test was performed. He needed to improve auditory discrimination and visual discrimination, in addition to developing the child’s skills in reading, writing, and reading comprehension within his grade level. Among the most important achievements through the intervention process are:
The student attended and an informal Arabic language test was taken. The student needed to develop his skills in Arabic grammar in order to reach his grade level. Among the most important achievements through the intervention process, the student became:
The child Ahmed attended with his mother, and a cognitive test was conducted and weak points were identified, as he had a problem with auditory and visual perception. During the intervention process, work was done on distinguishing the letters (ṣ/ḍḍ/ṭ/ḍ), distinguishing the location of the letter within the word auditorily, and distinguishing between the forms of nunation. The three lams, the solar and lunar lams, and he became able to read and dictate correctly and in a manner appropriate to his chronological level